Kotti's bad takes on games

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Date đź”»GameRatingCommentsFinishedVods
Ongoing or soon™No vods available
Ongoing or soon™No vods available
Ongoing or soon™No vods available
Ongoing or soon™
22 Sep 2024
- I am terrible at 2D platforming and lots of my issues with this game likely stem from my own skill issues
- Exploration was pretty nice, though the map really could have used some way to mark obstacles manually
- Nice soundtrack and art style
- Clumsy combat, not least because of contact damage and excessive knockbacks which seemed to be there mostly as an annoyance. Supposedly it gets better with cancels and such, but I think if those are needed to make the combat good, it wasn't good to begin with.
- Weapon/spell options being so important but also being based on random drops is pretty messed up
- Excellent PC port, especially the ability to rewind is a great addition that helps avoid losing lots of progress due to silly mistakes
Finished (10h)
17 Sep 2024Not my thing. The original Frostpunk was great because of its small scale and this seems to have gone in a completely different direction.Did not finish (3.5h)
15 Sep 2024
- Felt extremely close to Mimimi's games to the extent that I though it might be using the same framework (this is a good thing). Not quite as polished at times, but the very fast save/load times make up for it.
- Pretty good set of characters and abilities. Even if I didn't use all of them it wouldn't surprise me if even the "bad" ones could be used in ways I didn't think of.
- Banger soundtrack
- Difficulty balancing was a bit off. Sometimes you could effortlessly clear entirely rooms with a single character, sometimes you needed extra precise timing with the entire team. Might be at least partially an issue with Hard mode where enemies spot you so fast that the setting that slows down time when you're about to be spotted becomes useless.
- The challenges were uninteresting. Getting experience pickups from missions was a good way to make the player explore most of the map, but also in a way defeated the idea of having multiple paths through the maps.
- Sneaky ✔️
Hard (17h)
31 Aug 2024The PS3 port is not just bad, it's unplayable. Will give this another go at a later time using some other version.Did not finish (1h)
29 Aug 2024
- I'm not big into walking sims, but this was a pretty good one
- They way gameplay and storytelling were mixed was neat
- Some of the controls felt clumsy
Finished (1.5h)
27 Aug 2024
- It's very much like REmake, just not quite as good. Notably, the police station is neat but the RE1 mansion is better, and the resource management in RE1 is better.
- The A/B scenarios were a very good addition and different enough from one another
- Some great enemy designs, especially the lickers were a good fit
- Often felt like there was no real goal to work towards other than "explore the police station", because that's what you do in a video game. Especially seemed to be the case in the Claire B scenario.
LeonA/ClaireB (12h)